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I Also hear of other states shipping/sending homeless to California as well. FROM KEVIN

I Also hear of other states shipping/sending homeless to California as well...Regardless, your going to see more of it nationwide, going to be an eye-opener as we move forward

The news is slamming California’s governor for saying that Texas is the main source of homeless in CA, but they are ignoring his other point — that a huge amount of the homeless in California are not from here.

Somehow, the fact that the Guardian newspaper did the most extensive research on homelessness of its kind and found evidence to directly support Newsom is not being mentioned. Additionally a survey from 2009, that supports Newsom is not mentioned, and limitations in the survey from 2019, that is used to counter Newsom are not mentioned by the news, and a report from San Francisco Chronicle the year the recession started that says a huge amount of homeless are not from California is not mentioned.

We also have reports from 2008 and 2007, where government officials point out that people are being shipped into California because Americans feel that Californians are bleeding heart liberals and will take care of these people that they no longer want. Again all of these reports by actual experts were completely ignored by the news. Additionally, there are many examples of states being caught busing and flying their homeless directly to California — proving that there is a transfer of the problem program.

Finally, the news forgot to cover — while California has a high amount of homeless from America — it has received a tiny amount of the money it actually should have been allocated by the Federal government under the Obama and Trump administrations.

Not to be heartless — but California is blamed for making people homeless — when the reality is that America transfers their homeless on us, and that is why we have such a huge problem.

Yes, we make some people homeless — but the news acts like we are the source of the incredible amount of homeless.

These people are Americans who were rejected by their own communities during the 2008 recession and moved to California because we don’t let people rot in the streets like Americans do.

“The Democratic governor was asked during a June interview on “Axios on HBO” why San Francisco’s homeless population did not experience a net decline during his tenure as mayor. Newsom said most of the homeless people on the street when he left office were not from California, but added “we took responsibility” for them.” “To support the claim, a spokesman for Newsom provided data from San Francisco’s Homeward Bound,”

Guardian newspaper showed half of the homeless of SF — went to places in the South West. “San Francisco’s Homeward Bound” provides for Americans “Returning to places they previously lived”. “If these relocation programs did not exist, and the people San Francisco has bussed out of the city had stayed put, there could be as many as 18,000 homeless people currently in the city, more than twice the current population.”

2009 shows — Almost three fourths of the homeless in San Francisco arrived right when the recession started — COINCIDENCE? Findings of this 2009 report are not mentioned by news. “The large majority of survey respondents (78%) reported that they were living in San Francisco right before they became homeless. 73% of these respondents had lived in San Francisco for one year or more”

2019 inquiry asks if people have been in San Francisco since after the recession of 2008 started, not if they were there before 2008. Limitations in survey not mentioned by news. “Seventy percent (70%) of respondents reported living in San Francisco at the time they most recently became homeless. Of those, over half (55%) reported living in San Francisco for 10 or more years.” (from 2009 — year after recession started) (18)

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