Per many State/Federal, & International Documents,... The Wuhan Virus/Covid, is real, but,....The Deaths from it, absolutely have been greatly inflated/Lied about. The Tests for this Virus, aren't even 50% accurate for there have been hundreds of thousands of "Positives" when the patient had No Signs, nor Symptoms.
In fact, per Federal Documents,....more than 95% of those with this Wuhan/Covid Virus fully recover, with the vast majority not requiring any hospitalization.
This Virus also, via Reports & Testimony from Highly Reputable Scientists & Doctors, is Genetically Altered, & by itself, it did not come from Nature, but from the Level 4 Lab in Wuhan China.
Worse yet,....Federal Documentation proves that the American Government, as well as other Governments, funded Research on Genetically Altering Viruses, during the Bamer & Trump Administrations, to the amonut of approximately $3.2 Million dollars a year. The Illustrious Dr. Fauci was, again Per Federal Documents, deeply involved with this "Research".
Per many Documents,.... This Virus is strongly suspected to have an HIV Gene, which in a sense, explains how it attacks many people with "Existing Conditions".
The Strong Federal & State "Suggestion" to wear a Mask, while out in Public,so as to prevent the spread/intake of this virus .... Is An Orwellian Lie! Most Viruses are so small that they can easily be transferred in to & out of the Masks.An N95 Mask, which requires Medical Training in it's proper usage, is only 95% Efficient in stopping a Virus. Any Mask,of lesser Quality than an N95, would be like putting up Chain Link Fencing to Stop Mosquioes.
Only Full usage of CBR GEar, properly used will stop a Virus.
Even "Social Distancing at 6 ft." is an "Orwellian Lie", for discharge of droplets by sneezing & coughing can reach out to 30 Ft.
These Vaccines, also are A Lie, ..... They Absolutely will change the DNA of all that are Vaccinated (For What Purpose?!!?), & more than 2000 Deaths resulting from these Vaccines has been reported, as well as thousands of Adverse Reactions to the Vaccines,with many requiring hospitalization!
We are being lied to, by Our Government, ever since this Virus became a Head Line on the news, & I Absolutely Guarrantee You that the Full Results of what has happened, & what The World Governments intend to do,..... Is Biblical.
And,... I will not Willingly Take any of these Vaccines.